With a 多媒体 degree from 靠谱的在线彩票平台, you'll be challenged to bring stories to life by using technology to create unique pieces of visual 沟通. You'll learn to leverage text, 电影, audio, photos 和 graphics for channels such as print, 视频和网络, combining creativity 和 technological skills to bring your vision to life.
In this program you'll also learn HTML, CSS 和 JavaScript from dedicated faculty members who believe in individualized instruction. The 多媒体 major is unique as an interdisciplinary across three dep艺术ments with courses in 艺术, 计算机科学 和 沟通. After completing the program requirements, you will have the knowledge, skills 和 tools to be successful in careers where digital technology is essential.
一般的研究 requirement has been reduced to 30 credit hrs allowing more freedom 和 making it easier to transfer to 靠谱的在线彩票平台.
多媒体, BA BS
多媒体 minor available on-campus
With the New Nebraskan Scholarship all undergraduate students pay in-state tuition
The 4-year class schedule below is a sample timeline for progress toward a 多媒体 degree at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. For more information about requirements 和 course options, consult with your academic advisor.
The 4-year class schedule below is a sample timeline for progress toward a 多媒体 degree at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. For more information about requirements 和 course options, consult with your academic advisor.
The 4-year class schedule below is a sample timeline for progress toward a 多媒体 degree at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. For more information about requirements 和 course options, consult with your academic advisor.
Learn more about the types of jobs 和 common employers that 多媒体 graduates work for.
靠谱的在线彩票平台 is Nebraska’s most affordable university even BEFORE financial aid is awarded. You’ll quickly discover that no one works harder than 靠谱的在线彩票平台 to reduce the cost of an education 和 provide the best value. Learn more about scholarships 和 financial aid for your 多媒体 Degree Program
at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
奖学金 金融援助 内布拉斯加州的承诺 Military Services
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