Prepare for school leadership at all levels.

Educational administration blends leadership development with a deep understanding of schools. Through the online EDAD programs you will gain the credentials to become a principal, district superintendent, or other supervisor who values relationships and facilitates school improvement. 

EDAD students may pursue an online Masters or Specialist Degree as well as a non-degree endorsement.

"I really feel all the programs at 靠谱的在线彩票平台 support the concept of a principalship as a manager as well as an instructional leader. 靠谱的在线彩票平台 truly has a great reputation in education and I felt that the coursework truly prepared me for the transition from the classroom into principalship. The online program really offered the opportunity for you to learn not only from the professors, but from people across Nebraska and even from out of state that you wouldn't have an opportunity to meet if you were coming on campus for those same courses."

Chelsea Feusner

Buffalo Hills Elementary Principal