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About the English - Writing Degree Program

On Campus

The English - Writing degree emphasis at the University of Nebraska at Kearney is built for students who value literature and are determined to enrich their own work, sharpening their writing skills and developing their ability to translate their ideas into pieces that meaningfully connect with readers. Writing majors broaden their knowledge of literary history from a curriculum based on the study of significant texts from a wide range of genres, periods, and cultures and apply that understanding to their writing.

In this program, you will study both the craft and theory of writing in depth. Classroom workshops offer valuable opportunities to give and receive feedback, with award-winning faculty members mentoring, offering insight, and encouraging scholarship and creativity in students.

You'll also have the opportunity to submit your work for publication in The Carillon, an undergraduate literary journal jointly sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, the National English Honor Society, and by Phi Eta Sigma, the National Freshman Scholastic Honor Society.

Personal traits for success in English Writing

Writers have the ability to:

  • scan and identify problems within pieces of work
  • bring characters to life and tap into their readers’ emotions
  • express their ideas clearly
  • think, process and write their ideas in their head
  • think patiently and be flexible with their ideas
  • artistically shape their ideas into masterpieces
  • channel and organize their thoughts effectively

English - Writing Emphasis Program at a Glance


Credit Hours

General Studies requirement has been reduced to 30 credit hrs allowing more freedom and making it easier to transfer to 靠谱的在线彩票平台.

Degree Received

English - Writing Emphasis, Bachelor of Arts


Per Credit Hour

With the New Nebraskan Scholarship all undergraduate students pay in-state tuition

Danielle Vallis

"My favorite part about the English department is the professors. I have learned a great deal about literature, writing techniques, and even films as each professor approaches their teachings in a different, but creative, way. I chose this major because I have enjoyed being able to create characters that never existed before. In the writing classes I have taken, I have learned how to take criticism through assignments where I share my work. The skills and techniques I learned during my time at the University of Nebraska at Kearney I have applied to my current job, and they will stay with me during all future endeavors."

Danielle Vallis

Habitat for Humanity, Lincoln, NE

What can you do with an English - Writing Emphasis Degree

Learn more about the types of jobs and common employers that English - Writing Emphasis graduates work for.


  • Technical Writer
  • Producer
  • Copy Writer
  • Poet, Lyricist, and Creative Writer
  • Insurance Underwriter
  • Reporter and Correspondent
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Lawyer
  • Editor
  • Court Reporter

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